Study the consequences of human actions on the natural landscape.
Our use of natural resources impacts the environment on a local, regional, and global scale. Study important environmental issues and gain insights into and understanding of policies and history.Your degree in Environmental Studies will provide you with a fundamental background in the sciences that are necessary to understand the environment as well as historical and political perspectives. You'll gain effective communication skills that allow you to find possible solutions to local or global problems. By focusing on biology, ecology, and government and economic policies, you will graduate ready to enter into a career with governmental agencies, the forestry service, or other environmental groups.
Why choose Environmental Studies at FSC?
Conference Opportunities
An important part of doing research is sharing your findings with the scientific community. Most recently, environmental studies students attended the Bahamas National Trust Conference and the Association of Southeastern Biologists Conference to share their results.Outdoor Learning
Most of your environmental studies courses will have a strong outdoor component—you’ll experience environmental science by getting into the field to observe natural areas and collect data.Collaborative Research
You’ll study and collaborate with faculty whose research interests include fire ecology, ecotoxicology, herpetology, science and religion, rose genetics, parasites, and paleoecology.Meet Our Mocs
Gretchen Faraci
Mark Haver
Nyssa Henderson

Featured Environmental Studies Faculty
Eric Kjellmark
I make every effort to provide my students with the best quality education possible through the use of engaged learning, hands-on activities, and group projects. I strive to help students understand how the information presented in my courses relates to the larger body of knowledge they are accumulating during their college career.
Clubs And More
The Biology Department sponsors chapters of Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society, a national society for students in the biological sciences, Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED) National Preprofessional Honor Society, the national Health Preprofessional Honor Society, and Rho Rho Rho Marine and Atmospheric Honor Society.
Environmental Studies Program Details
Admission Requirements
All freshman applicants to Florida Southern Colleges full-time degree programs must submit the following information:
- A completed application form
- An official high school transcript
- SAT and/or ACT scores (unless applying Test-Optional)
- Academic recommendation
Applying to Florida Southern as a transfer student is easy.
- A completed application form
- Personal statement
- All official college transcripts
- Social standing form
If transferring less than 24 credits, we also need your:
- Official high school transcript
- SAT and/or ACT scores
Environmental Studies Program Contact