Author And Journalist Jason L. Riley Opens Lecture Series At FSC
Oct 4, 2016

Journalist Jason L. Riley, known for his controversial books on immigration and race relations, will open the 2016-2017 Politics, Law, and Economics Lecture Series at Florida Southern College.
In his lecture, “The State Against Blacks,” Riley will argue that government efforts to help the black underclass in America have a poor track record. The lecture, which is sponsored by the Center for Free Enterprise at FSC, will take place at 6 p.m. on October 11 in the Hollis Room on the FSC campus. It is free and open to the public.
Riley is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a columnist for the Wall Street Journal, where he worked for more than 20 years writing opinion pieces on politics, economics, education, immigration and race, among other subjects. He’s also a commentator for Fox News, where he’s appeared for more than a decade, and a frequent public speaker.
After joining the Journal in 1994, he was named a senior editorial page writer in 2000 and a member of the Editorial Board in 2005. In 2008 he published “Let Them In,” which argues for a more free-market oriented U.S. immigration policy. His second book, “Please Stop Helping Us,” which is about government efforts to help the black underclass, was published in 2014. He joined the Manhattan Institute in 2015.
“Although some may disagree with Jason L. Riley’s point of view, he has presented an argument that deserves to be heard,” said Dr. Antony Dnes, director of the Center for Free Enterprise. “His credentials as a journalist and commentator are sterling, and he promises to give an excellent start to this year’s Politics, Law, and Economics Lecture Series.”
Funding for the lecture was provided by the John Templeton Foundation through a grant from the Institute for Humane Studies.
For information about the lecture or the Center for Free Enterprise at FSC, call 863-680-4291.