Program To Raise Awareness Of Health Care For Women In Prison
Feb 29, 2016

Florida Southern College nursing, English and criminology students are joining together to promote awareness of health care for women in prison. The students have organized a program that will include presentations, essay readings and a collection to benefit the Peace River Center.
The program, “Treatment Behind Bars,” will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. on March 1 in Branscomb Auditorium on the FSC campus. It is free and open to the public.
The event was organized by students in the Nursing/Criminology Learning Community. Guest speakers Cammie Baird and Gina Dressler of NaphCare, a company that provides healthcare to inmates, will give presentations about nursing care in correctional facilities. Students in the Department of English’s creative non-fictional writing course will read essays on the topic.
People attending the program are requested to bring travel-sized feminine care products as donations to the Peace River Center, the mental-health care program that serves Polk, Hardee, and Highlands counties.