Leila Blacking
Adjunct Faculty

Leila Blacking is originally from Northern Ireland. She moved to Florida in 2013 having met her husband, who is from Winter Haven, in Afghanistan. Prior to moving to the US, she worked internationally for organizations such as the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross, managing health, education and communication programs, and coordinating relief efforts for displaced populations.
She is currently a Senior Strategy Team Leader for Publix, where she is responsible for managing strategic projects across the company and advancing Publix’s innovation strategy. Strategy was also a focus of her M.B.A. at the University of Warwick.
Leila is active in the community: she is a member of the Lakeland Rotary Club and a Guardian Ad Litem for children in the care system. She is on the boards of the Lakeland Economic Development Council, Synapse Florida (a statewide innovation initiative) and Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine. She chairs the board of Catapult Lakeland, the startup incubator and maker space for local entrepreneurs.
- M.B.A., University of Warwick (U.K.)
- LL.M., Open University (U.K.)
- M.A., King’s College, Cambridge University (U.K.)