Lori Rakes, Ph.D.
Dean of Education
Nina B. Hollis Endowed Chair of Education
Associate Professor of Education

Teaching preservice teachers provides an opportunity for continual learning, sharing, and growth. One of my hopes in working in higher education is to instill a love and passion of learning and teaching in my students, as I share my own passion with them. I feel there is a need for compassionate, strong, and dedicated individuals who are excited about working with children.
Dr. Rakes is the Dean of the School of Education with a Ph. D. in Curriculum and Instruction focused on Elementary Education. She brings a wealth of classroom experience into her leadership role as she was a classroom teacher for over 20 years. She earned National Board Teacher Certification in 2005 and was selected as the school representative for Teacher of the Year in 2001 and 2011. Her current research interests include teacher education and teacher retention.Education
- Ph. D., University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, 2015
- M.Ed., University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, 2010
- B.S., Elementary Education, Southeastern University, Lakeland, FL, 1985
Dr. Rakes enjoys music, spending time her family, and being a part of a church community.Awards
- Named the Nina B. Hollis Endowed Chair in Education, Florida Southern College 2021
- FSC Miller Distinguished Faculty Award 2020
- Dr. Mary Virginia Peaslee Educator Makes A Difference Award, Florida Southern College - 2013
- Cleveland Court Elementary Teacher of the Year - 2011
- National Board Certified Teacher - 2005
- Cleveland Court Elementary Teacher of the Year - 2001
Rakes, L., Powell, R. L., Blevins, B., & Giordano, V. (2022, March). Navigating the Roles of the School-Based Teacher Educator: Mentor Teachers’ and Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions. In The Educational Forum (pp. 1-17). Routledge.
LaFrance D., Rakes, L., (January, 2022) Teacher Identity, Growth Mindset, and Agency: Changing the Trajectory of Teacher Retention. In V. Luther & M. Peterson-Ahmad (Eds) Collaborative Approaches to Recruiting, Preparing, and Retaining Teachers for the Field. IGI Global Publishing.
Powell, R., Rakes, L. (2021) Building teacher leaders through a transformative partnership, reflection, and inquiry. In A Lopez & E. Olan (Eds.) Rediscovering transformative leadership in teacher education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Brewer, K., Rakes. L. (2021) Elementary science resources: A helpful guide for teachers. The Florida Association of Science Teachers Journal. 3-9.
Parker, A. K. & Rakes, L. (2020). I almost changed my major: teacher candidates' perceptions of grade level organization and its influence on their professional development. Current Issues in Education.
Powell, R.L., Rakes, L. (2020) A developing partnership: Our growth and goals. In E Garin & R.W. Burns (Eds). Clinically Based Teacher Education in Action: Cases from Professional Development School. Information Age Publishing
Hasson, J., Rakes, L. (submitted, 2019). Discrimination in education (school to prison pipeline). In C. Blankenship, L.Carter, and C Marcum (Eds.) Punishing Gender (chapter 7). Cognella Publishing.
Rakes, L., Powell, R.L., Blevins, B., Giordano, V. (2019) (Revise and Resubmit) Navigating the Functions of the Teacher Educator: Mentor Teachers’ and Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions. The Educational Forum.
Rakes, L., Powell, R.L., Anderson, S., Blevins, B. (November, 2018) Using videos to strengthen mentor teaching. Stories from the Field. https://napds.org/category/stories-from-the-field/
Parker, A. K., Rakes, L., & Arndt, K. (2017). Departmentalized, self-contained, or somewhere in between: Decision-making behind elementary grade level organization. The Educational Forum 81 (3) 236-255.
Rakes, L. (2015). Help! I have to teach math: The nature of a preservice teacher's experiences enacting mathematics instruction in a final internship (Order No. 3718103). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1707901175). Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1707901175?accountid=14745
Rakes, L. (2015). Help! I have to teach math: The nature of a preservice teacher's experiences enacting mathematics instruction in a final internship (Order No. 3718103). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1707901175). Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1707901175?accountid=14745
Edwards, S & Rakes, L. (2015). Boys won't read. In I. R. Berson & M. J. Berson (Eds.), Child advocacy and Early Childhood Education Policies in the Caribbean. A Volume in Research in Global Child Advocacy. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Goodmon, L., Leverett, R., Royer, A., Hillard, G., Tedder, T., Rakes, L. (2015) The Effect of Therapy Balls on the Classroom Behavior and Learning of Children with Dyslexia. Journal of Research in Education 24 (2) 124-147.
Rakes, L. Parker A. (2014, March) Reaching Young Adolescents: Developing Relationships for Classroom Management. Association of Middle Level Education Magazine.
Presentations at National Conferences
Rakes, L., LaFrance, D., Brewer, K. (February, 2022) First Semester Clinical Experiences: Adapting to Pandemic Guidelines Through the Eyes of Preservice Teachers Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Chicago, ILRakes, L., LaFrance, D., Brewer, K. (March, 2021) Redesigning Early Field Study Experiences to Include an E-Learning Model. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Professional Development Schools. Virtual Conference.
Powell, R. L., Rakes, L. & Rideout, S. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) The Power of Collaboration: Strengthening Teaching Through Video Analysis of Mentor Coaching [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/tqousyc (Conference Canceled)
Powell, R.L. Rakes, L., (February, 2020) Making space for coaching with cooperating teachers. Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Atlantic City, NJ.
Rakes L., LaFrance, D., Giordano, V., Powell, R.L., LaFrance, J., Hasson, J., Veal, B. (April, 2019) Learning to reflect: Preservice teachers’ experiences leading to reflection-on-action. Presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Ontario.
Powell, R.L. Rakes, L., (February, 2019) Guiding Preservice Teachers Toward Critical Reflection. Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Atlanta, GA.
Powell, R.L. Rakes, L., (February, 2019) Growing the Partnership to Support Reciprocal Professional Development. Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Atlanta, GA.
Rakes, L., Parker, A. (April, 2018) Departmentalized, Self-Contained, or Team-Teaching: Learning to teach in the elementary classroom. Presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Rakes, L., Powell, R., Guida, D., Kast, A., & Pfanz, R. (March, 2018) Preservice teacher inquiry: Building a foundation for teacher research. Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Jacksonville, FL.
Rakes, L., Powell, R., Guida, D., Kast, A., & Pfanz, R. (March, 2018) Peer observation: Shifting the focus to student learning. Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Jacksonville, FL.
Parker, A., Rakes, L., Arndt, K. (April, 2017) Departmentalized, Self-Contained, or Team-Teaching: Teacher’s perceptions on the impact of grade level organization. Presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Rakes, L., Powell, R., Fischer, C., Watson, L. (March, 2017) Learning to Teach Through “In the Moment” Coaching. Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Washington DC
Powell, R., Rakes, L., Fischer, C., Watson, L. (March, 2017) Cooperating Teacher: Instructional Coach. Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Washington DC
Rakes, L., Powell, R., (February, 2017) Simultaneous Roles: Teacher and Teacher Educator – Finding the Balance. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL.
Rakes, L., Powell, R., Brady, S., Skaggs, S., Daniels, J., Depart, C. (March, 2016) The View from the Other Side: Developing Teacher Identities in Preservice Teacher Education. Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Washington DC
Powell, R., Rakes, L., Brady, S., Skaggs, S., Daniels, J., Depart, C. (March, 2016) Coming Together to Build a Transformative Partnership. Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Washington DC
Powell, R., Rakes, L., Brady, S., Skaggs, S., Daniels, J., Depart, C. (March, 2016) Identity Crisis: Bridging the Gap Between Classroom Teacher and Teacher Educator. Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools. Washington DC
Powell, R., Rakes, L. (February, 2016) Learning from My Mistakes as a Supervisor. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Education, Chicago, IL.
Parker, A., Rakes, L., Arndt, K. (April, 2015) Departmentalized, Self-Contained, or Somewhere in Between: Decision-Making Behind the Face of Elementary Schools’ Grade Level Structures. Presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL
Rakes, L., Kelley, K., & Powell, R.L. (March, 2015). Collaborative Research: Life-Sized Lessons in a School for Students with Reading Difficulties. Presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Development Schools, Atlanta, GA.
Arndt, K., Rakes, L., Ward, J. Are they there yet? The standards for mathematical practice. (April, 2014) National Council for Teachers of Mathematics. New Orleans, LA.
Jacobs, J., Burns, R.W., Yendol-Hoppey, D., Arndt, K., Casciola, V., Powell, R., Rakes, L., Ward, J., Pennington, S., & Gonzalez, M. (2013). What do we know about preservice teacher supervision since the release of the NCATE PDS Standards and Blue Ribbon Report: A review of the literature. Paper presentation at The Council of Professors of Instructional Supervision, State College, PA.
Rakes, L. What can educators do to address the issue of reading difficulties in the upper elementary grades? (November, 2012) Presentation at the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, California.