Patrick L. Smith, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology

Education should be a dynamic and interactive process. One of the most important roles of a professor is to impart professional experience as it applies to effective classroom pedagogy. However, student learning and motivational styles are always changing, so an effective educator must continue to improve one's craft by connecting with his or her students in ways that both sides realize their responsibilities in making classroom learning a collective, engaging experience.
Dr. Smith studied Psychology at Elizabethtown College, from which he received his B.A. in 1996. He immediately entered into the doctoral program in Neuroscience at the Florida State University where he was awarded a fellowship as part of the Chemosensory Training Program. Dr. Smith earned his MS degree in 2000, in which he explored abilities in textural discrimination of solid foods. While pursuing his doctorate, Dr. Smith became recognized as a successful teacher and mentor to undergraduates, as he was awarded the Florida State University Outstanding Teaching Award for Graduate Students in 2002 as well as the Joseph Grosslight Scholarship for Teaching Excellence in 2002. He completed his Ph.D. in Neuroscience in 2003. His dissertation explored the interactions between taste and thermal cues that influence feeding behavior. Dr. Smith came to Florida Southern in 2003, where he immediately made an impact among the students both inside and outside the department. Although Dr. Smith has taught virtually every class in the Psychology curriculum, his areas of specialty lie in Behavioral Psychology, Neuroscience, Sensation and Perception, and Psychology in Film. For his leadership and service among the college and Lakeland communities, he has received other honors, including faculty induction into both Phi Eta Sigma and Omicron Delta Kappa and service awards such as the Florida Southern College Faculty Service Award (2007) and the Marsha Merritt Community Service Award (2009).
Outside the classroom, Dr. Smith has been an avid researcher who has mentored numerous presentations with students at regional and national conferences. These projects span a great range of professionally relevant topics in psychology that include the sensory influences within advertising, cognitive and social judgments of non-traditional art media, the characterization of personality traits within social media, the depiction of psychological themes within film, and engagement strategies for more effective teaching of undergraduate psychology.
- Ph.D., Neuroscience, Florida State University, 2003
- M.S., Psychology, Florida State University, 2000
- B.A., Psychology, Elizabethtown College, 1996
Everything pop culture and sports (some of which has turned to scholarship)Awards
- Ben and Janice Wade Teaching Award (Spring 2018)
- Outstanding Professional Paper Nominee, Southeastern Psychological Association (Spring 2016)
- Faculty inductee, Phi Eta Sigma (Spring 2014)
- Psi Chi National Summer Research Grant Recipient (Spring, 2012) (Mentored Sarah Hester, undergraduate researcher)
- Omicron Delta Kappa Teacher of the Year (Spring 2011)
- Faculty inductee, Phi Eta Sigma (Spring 2011)
- Marsha Merritt Community Service Award (Spring 2010)
- Miller Distinguished Teaching Award (Spring 2009)
- Faculty inductee, Omicron Delta Kappa (Fall 2008)
- Florida Southern College Faculty Service Award (Spring 2007)
- United Methodist Church Exemplary Teaching Award (Spring 2007)
- Panhellenic Teacher of the Semester (Fall 2006)
- Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society’s Lover of Wisdom Award (2006)
- Advisor of Psi Chi, Florida Southern Chapter (Fall 2003-present)
- (Won Florida Southern’s Most Improved Student Organization in Spring 2004)
- Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (Spring 2004)
- Recipient of the Florida State University Outstanding Teaching Award for Graduate Students (Spring 2002)
- Nominated for Florida State University Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for Graduate Students (2002, 2000)
- Recipient of the Grosslight Scholarship (Fall 2002)
- Association for Chemoreceptive Sciences Travel Award (1998-2001)
- NIH Predoctoral Fellow in Chemosensory Systems (1996-2001)
Book Chapters/Essay Anthologies:
Smith, P.L. (2016). Psychological significance within post-apocalyptic film: Two unique approaches to adaptation. In the last midnight: Critical essays on the depiction of the apocalypse in millennial media. Mcfarland Publishing: New York, NY.
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Howard, J., & Smith, P.L., Goodmon, L. B., & Kindell, C. A. (2023) The apocalypse of dementia: Metaphor effectiveness in neuroscience pedagogy. Manuscript currently under revision to be re-submitted to the Teaching of Psychology.
Ready, E. J., Bologna, H.S., Goodmon, L.B., & Smith, P.L. (2021) The relationship between homonegativity, sexual harassment myth acceptance, harasser and target sex, and perceptions of sexual harassment. Modern Psychological Studies, 26(1), 1-28.
Ready, E. J., Smith, P.L., Goodmon, L.B., Welsh, B. C., & Pridgeon, M.. (2020) Branded: The effects of LGBTQ+ marketing on consumer and flavor perceptions of food. North American Journal of Psychology, 22(4), 633-648.
Smith, P.L., Howard, J., & D’Alessandro, M. D. (2020) The use of magazine spreads as a tool in neuroscience pedagogy. Psychology and Education, 57(3), 391-397.
Bacharz, K., & Howard, J., & Smith, P.L. (2020) Game on! The influence of computer simulations on understanding cancer-based therapies. North American Journal of Psychology, 22(2), 221-242.
Goodmon, L.B., Parisi, A., Smith, P.L., Phillips, E., Cox, T., Dill, L., & Miller, A. (2019). Improving attention and memory in children with dyslexia using aesthetically pleasing and unique photographs. Dyslexia, 25(4), 411-428.
Smith, P.L., Goodmon, L., Jewell, R., Howard, J., Hartzell, K., & Hilbert, S. (2019). Graphic novelization effects on recognition abilities in students with dyslexia. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics,1-18.
Smith, P.L., Goodmon, L.B., & Hester, S. (2018). The Burtynsky effect: Aesthetic reactions to landscape photographs that vary in natural features. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts., 12(1) 34-49.
Goodmon, L., & Smith, P.L., Ivancevich, D., & Lundberg, S., (2014). Actions speak louder than personality: Effects of Facebook content on personality perceptions. North American Journal of Psychology, 16(1), 105-119.
Smith, P.L., & Stoltzfus, D. (2012). The effects of temperature on conditioned salivation responses. North American Journal of Psychology, 14(3), 597-608.
Bias, P.V., Smith, P.L., & Jansson, H. (2012). In defense of the rationality assumption. Research in Business and Economics Journal-Special Edition Florida Economic Symposium, 1-16.
Smith, P.L., Smith, J.C., & Houpt, T.A. (2010). Interactions of temperature and taste in conditioned aversions. Physiology and Behavior, 99, 224-233.
The following conference presentations (some of which have been published, see below section) reflect the numerous projects I have conducted with student and faculty colleagues:
Smith, P.L., Meares, M., Harris, A., Lefleur, C., & D'Allesandro, M. (February, 2023). "Memery": Pedagogical Benefits When Using Neuroscience-based Memes in the Classroom. Accepted to the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference West Palm Beach, FL
Schalk, O., Meares, M, Berrios, G., Gennari-Crosby, E., & Smith, P.L. (February 2023). Effects of tactile learning blocks on the enhancement of STEAM-based content in children with dyslexia. Accepted to the Florida Undergraduate Research Conferences West Palm Beach, FL
Rogers, H., Ligato, J., Francey, E., Wiitala, S., & Smith, P. (March 2022). Memes in teams: Effects of memes in understanding leadership styles. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Hilton Head, SC.
Shibilski, K., Porter, T., Meares, M., Saunders, T., & Smith, P. (March 2022). Meme, myself, I: Self-directed effects in meme-centered pedagogy. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Hilton Head, SC.
Shorey, A., Sheerin, D., & Smith, P. (March 2022). Role models with bottles: An analysis of exposure to alcohol branding in music videos. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Hilton Head, SC.
Smith, P.L., Shibilski, K., Wilkens, J., Todt, N., Persson, M., Campbell, A., & Fowler, M. (March, 2020/2021). Influence of tactile cues on alphabet writing on preschool children. Accepted to the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (but presented at the 2021 meeting in Orlando, FL due to Covid-19 cancellation of the 2020 meeting).
Fowler, M., Wilkens, J., Shibilski, K., Todt, N., Persson, M., Campbell, A., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2020/2021). Influence of tactile cues on letter identification on preschool children. Accepted to the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (but presented at the 2021 meeting in Orlando, FL due to Covid-19 cancellation of the 2020 meeting).
Smith, P.L., Rutledge-Jukes, H., Martin, J., Gonzalez, M., & Moon, B. (March, 2020/2021). "How you play the game": Pedagogy within cancer-based video games. Accepted to the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (but presented at the 2021 meeting in Orlando, FL due to Covid-19 cancellation of the 2020 meeting).
Smith, P.L., Rutledge-Jukes, H., Gonzalez, M., Shibilski K., Martin, J., Izadi, L., & D’Alessandro, M. D. (March, 2020/2021). "Memeory": The effects of meme usage of understanding neuroscience content. Accepted to the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (but presented at the 2021 meeting in Orlando, FL due to Covid-19 cancellation of the 2020 meeting).
Ramirez, S., Hurley, K., Ready, E., Smith, H., Hilbert, Urs, M., Smith, P.L., & Law, C. (March, 2019). Dinner is served: Challenges and rewards of restaurant job analyses. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Smith, P.L., Hartzell, K., Torres, K., Howard, J., & Goodmon, L. (March, 2019). Memory benefits of graphic novelization exposure in children with dyslexia. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Kindell, C., Howard, J., Smith, P.L., & Goodmon, L. (March, 2019). Color my world: Memory effects in graphic novel learning. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Smith, P.L., Howard, J., Lowe, K., Martin, J., Rutledge-Jukes, H., Gonzalez, M., & Goodmon, L. (March, 2019). “Hunger for games”: Video game influences on understanding of cancer. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Howard, J., Kindell, C., Rutledge-Jukes, H., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2019). The apocalypse of dementia: Metaphor effectiveness in neuroscience pedagogy. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Hurley, K., Goodmon, L., Hartzell, K., Cribb, L., Law M., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2019). The effect of weighted devices on the mood, cognitive arousal, and on-task behavior of low SES children. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Skiba, E., Welsh, B., Honore, S., Perkins, Z., Smith, P.L., & Law, C. (March, 2019). Branded I: Emotional influences on consumer attitudes about human trafficking. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Welsh, B., Skiba, E., Ramirez, S., Smith, H., Smith, P.L., & Goodmon, L. (March, 2019). Branded II: Attitudes about LGBTQ+ community issues influence consumer behavior. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Skiba, E., Smith, P.L., Ramirez, S., Honore, S., & Bravo, M. (March, 2019). “Pieces of the puzzle”: Altruistic influences on motor skill productivity. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Smith P.L., Law, M., & Harrison, A. (January, 2019). I see, therefore I am: Conceptual understanding of sensation and perception processes. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg, FL.
Smith, P.L., Howard, J., Lutz, A., & Torres, K. (March, 2018). “Spreading” the word: Enhancing neuroscience pedagogy through a magazine format. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Charleston, SC.
Howard, J., Smith, P.L., Kindell, C., & Bitting E. (March, 2018) The use of ancillary stimuli as effective pedagogy for developmental neuroscience. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Charleston, SC.
Smith, P.L., Coogan, C., Welsh, B., Skiba, E., Schwirian, K., Law, C., & Goodmon, L. (March, 2018). “I-scream” for society: Social awareness influences on food preference ratings. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Charleston, SC.
Smith, P.L., Torres, K., Groth, B., Howard, J., & Goodmon, L. (March 2018). Advertisement vignette effects on recognition abilities in students with dyslexia. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Charleston, SC.
Law, C., Smith, P.L., Goodmon, L, & Law, M. (January, 2018). Teaching personality and the Lemon Juice Experiment: Influences on attitudes about assessment validity. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL
Law, C., Harris, E., McCarthy, K., Brown, K., Goodmon, L., and Smith, P. (August 2017). Sexual orientation and harassment: The role of sexism in predicting reactions to harassment. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Law, C., Harris, E, Underkoffler., Brown, K., Goodmon, L., & Smith, P. (April, 2017) Religious accommodation in the U.S. military: The effects of religious discrimination on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists, Orlando, FL.
Brown, K., Goodmon, L., Smith, P.L., Bucklan, M., & Buechel, K., Jennings, L., Arellano, A., Latham, C., & Law, C. (March, 2017) Are resident advisors effective leaders? Subjective versus objective measures of leadership. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Howard, J. R., Lutz, A., Smith, P. L., McNeil, A., & Law, C. (March, 2017). Visualization a tool to “ad” knowledge of neurotransmitter function. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
Bacharz, K. C., Howard, J. R., & Smith, P. L. (March, 2017). Game on! The influence of computer simulations on understanding of cancer-based therapies. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
Parisi, A., Goodmon, L., Phillips, E., Cox, T., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2017). Retention of appealing landscape photographs in children with and without dyslexia. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
Parisi, A., Goodmon, L., Smith, P.L., Phillips, E., Cox, T., & Dill, L. (March, 2017). Forced- choice preference and recognition of photographs in children with dyslexia. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
Goodmon, L.B., Smith, P., & Schwirian. K. (January, 2017). The advantages of being a guinea pig: Student perceptions of psychological research participation as a learning experience. Poster presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg, FL
Smith, P.L., Lutz, A., Howard, J., McNeil, A., & Bromfield, D. (January, 2017). "Ad"-ing to understanding: How symbolism improves neuroscience comprehension. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg, FL
Smith, P.L., Ferrara, A., Kaffee, M., & Reynolds, L. (April, 2016). The brain is: Effects of graphic novelization on vocabulary development. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Bucklan, M.A., Buechel, K., Goodmon, L., Smith, P.L., Brown, K., Latham, C.., & Newness, K. (April, 2016). Thumbs versus stars: Rating scale comparisons to assess web-based job interview responses. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Philips, E., Cox, T, Parisi, A., Goodmon, L., & Smith, P.L.(March, 2016). Disliked but not forgotten: Likability and retention of blended photographs in children with dyslexia. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Parisi, A., Cox, T, Philips, E., Dill, Goodmon, L., & Smith, P.L.(March, 2016). Short vs. long retention interval: Recognition and attention in children with dyslexia. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Smith, P.L., Rasmussen, A., & Thomas, S. (March, 2016). The sights and sounds of anticipatory flavor conditioning. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Smith, P.L., Goodmon, L., Ferrara, & Rasmussen, A. (January, 2016). The normal mind on the abnormal brain: Using graphic novelization to enhance understanding of clinical neuroscience content. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
Smith, P.L., (October, 2015). I wish I knew what I know now: Attitudinal challenges within an educational community. Presented at the Atlantic, Center for Learning Communities Retreat, Hartford, CT.
Smith, P.L., Mauldin, M., Weber, T., & Tyes, B. (March 2015). Saliency of visual and auditory cues in anticipatory flavor conditioning. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Hilton Head, SC.
Smith, P.L., & Esparza, J. (March 2015). Slow but not steady: Studying patterns when using online resources. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Hilton Head, SC.
Smith, P.L., Haynes, C., & Bradshaw, E. (January 2015). Your brain on graphic novels: and what your body says. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
Miller, A, Dodson, T., Smith, P.L., & Goodmon. L.B. (March 2014). Children’s preferences and recognition of different landscape photographs. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Nashville, TN.
Dyess, S., Perez, A., & Burgess, N., Dyer, C., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2014). Your brain on graphic novels I: Enhancing static neuroscience concepts. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Nashville, TN.
Burgess, N., Dyess, S., Lord, C., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2014). Your brain on graphic novels II: Enhancing dynamic neuroscience concepts. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Nashville, TN.
Smith, P.L., & Burgess, N. (January 2014). I wish I knew what I know now: Hindsight bias within the training of psychology undergraduates. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
Good, B., Martin, B., Pike, K., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2013). You are what you eat: Personality influences on food preference. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Smith, P.L., Lord, C., & Darby, B. (March, 2013). This “moves” me: Psychoanalytical motifs in perception of animated art. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Hester, S., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2013). Putting your best face forward: Manipulation effects on aesthetic appreciation of faces. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association annual conference, Atlanta, GA.
Smith, P.L., Lord, C., Dyess, S.M., & St. Jean, T. (January, 2013). Getting graphic with the brain: The incorporation of graphic novelization into neuroscience pedagogy. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
Quinlivan, D.S., Goodmon, L.B., Darby, B., & Smith, P. (January, 2013). Crimeopoly! Engaging with Monopoly to decrease the just-world bias. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
Porasik, C., & Smith, P.L. (January, 2013). When you wish upon a star, does that that label who you are? Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
Goodmon, L., Ivancevich, D., Lundberg, S., & Smith, P.L. (February, 2012). Actions speak louder than personality: A Facebook analysis in employment. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Hester, S., Smith, P.L., Goodmon, L., & Darby, B. (February, 2012). Picture This: Parameters in evaluating manipulated landscapes. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Stoltzfus, D., Kneebone, A., & Smith, P.L. (February, 2012) Pucker up: Temperature and taste cues that influence gustatory conditioning. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Smith, P.L., Quinlivan, D., Goodmon, L., Davis, S., Owen K., Owen, C., & Ryndak, K. (January, 2012). Let’s think about it, part I: Spatial reasoning in the psychology major. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
Quinlivan, D, Goodmon, L., Smith, P.L., & Darby, B. (January, 2012). Let’s think about it, part II: Social awareness changes in the psychology major. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
Goodmon, L., Smith, P.L., Quinlivan, D, Owen K., Owen, C., & Davis, S., (January, 2012). Let’s think about it, part III: Exploring professional development. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
Stoltzfus, D., Johnson, N.K., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2011). When I grow up: Moral and ethical development in undergraduates. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association | Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Gold, A., Owen, K.A., Mann, A.N., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2011). Unconditioned love: Relationships between music preference, affect, and memory. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Buechel, K., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2011). Eat your heart out: Social influences on feeding behavior. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Smith, P.L., Goodmon, L.B., & Darby, B. (March, 2011). Undergraduates and mental health: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
Smith, P.L., Darby, B., & Goodmon, L.B. (January, 2011). A little knowledge is a dangerous thing: Potential concerns about understanding mental illness in undergraduates. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.
Ison, A, Osburn, M, Colbert, A., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2010). Parameters of brand recall with body images as salient stimuli. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
Lisko, L.A., Primarolo, L.P., Smith, P.L., & Darby, B.W. (March, 2010). Psychological assessment of non-traditional art media. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
Conlon, A.C., Rockwell, S, Stewart, L., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2008). Memory responses to underweight women in advertisements. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological | Association Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
Anderson, S.A., Conlon, A.C., Eguizabal, C., Rockwell, S., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2008). The effects of temperature on taste sensitivity in coffee samples. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
Conlon, A.C., Anderson, S.A., Allegood, A., & Smith, P.L. (March,2008). Sensory determinations of coffee and its additives. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
Flynn, K.L., Anderson, S., Howie, L., Conlon, A., Weaver, C.T., & Smith, P.L. (February, 2007). O-R-E-Oh! Sensory and perceptual determination of hydrogenated and non- hydrogenated cookies. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, | New Orleans, LA.
Smith, P.L., Claywell, T., Strickland, A., Flynn, K.,L., & Weaver, C.T. Gator or Nole? (February, 2007). Social factors that affect food perception. Presented at the Southeastern | Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Kaufmann, D.A., Bridges, S.A., & Smith, P.L. (February, 2007). The effects of color schemas on card memory. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Mulvaney, M., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2006). Changes in the social behavior of an autistic child during relationship development intervention therapy: A Case Study. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Smith, P.L., Flynn, K.L., & Weaver, C.T. (March, 2006). Effects of knowledge of hydrogenated ingredients on perception of brownies. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Bridges, S.A., & Smith, P.L. (March, 2006). Music familiarity and its effects on memory recall. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
DenBleyker, M.J., Taylor, P, Smith, P.L., & Smith, J.C. (April, 2004). Behavioral testing of the interaction of sweet taste and solution temperature in the rat. Presented at the Association for Chemoreception Sciences Meeting, Sarasota, FL.
Lindberg, K., Freedman, K, Stuart, J.L., Smith, P.L., & Lawson, A.L. (March, 2004). Effects of examiner skepticism on concealing information. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Stuart, J.L., Lindberg, K., Smith, P.L., & Lawson, A.L. (March, 2004). Indexing deception using a condition suppression technique. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.