Commencement Handbook
Application Dates
Application For Graduation
Students planning to graduate must complete an Application for Graduation Form with the Registrar’s Office the semester prior to the time they think they anticipate graduating.
When this application is processed and a graduation check is completed in the Registrar’s Office, the graduate’s name is placed on the graduation list and will receive all communications regarding Commencement. This application gives graduates the opportunity to stipulate how they want their name to appear on their diploma.
There is a $60.00 Graduation Fee that must be paid prior to graduation. This fee does not cover the cost of caps and gowns. These are purchased directly through the FSC Bookstore.
Application Deadlines
- Application for Winter - April 15
- Application for Spring - December 15
- Application for Summer - March 15
Students planning to graduate should ensure that all the requirements have been met for graduation.
Graduation Application
Log onto the FSC Portal to fill out the Graduation Application online.
Graduation fees are paid on the FSC Portal as well.
Apply for GraduationGraduation Requirements
Grad Check
Students planning to graduate should schedule a Graduation Check in the Office of the Registrar to ensure that all the academic requirements for graduation have been met. This should be done at the beginning of the semester prior to the student’s anticipated graduation. Students who have not had a graduation check appointment should contact the Office of the Registrar to schedule an appointment.
Student Accounts
All outstanding balances must be paid in full. Students should contact the FSC Business Office with any questions. Graduates will not receive their diploma or transcripts until all accounts are paid.
Graduate Survey
Graduates are expected to complete an online graduation survey to confirm their major, address, campus activities, and future plans. When the survey becomes available, the graduate will receive an email with login information. Winter graduates may expect to receive the email to the online survey beginning in early November. Spring graduates will receive the survey in late March or early April. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Institutional Research.
Caps and Gowns
Order Caps and Gowns
Caps and gowns are required for commencement and are purchased through the FSC Bookstore. Graduation announcements and class rings also may be ordered at that time. Payment is required when your order is placed.
Information about delivery and/or pick up times for graduation purchases is provided by the bookstore. For questions, please call the bookstore at 863.680.4186.
Herff Jones, the provider of these products, will send an information packet with purchase details to each graduate’s permanent address.
Campus Bookstore
For the convenience of our graduates and their families and guests, the campus bookstore will be open on graduation days from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
The bookstore is open during the week, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. It features FSC apparel and many items suitable for commencement gift giving. Shop online for a complete selection of Florida Southern gifts at the Campus Bookstore.
Commencement Ceremony
Faculty Marshals
Faculty members serving as Faculty Marshals will provide the graduates with instructions and guidance for their participation in the ceremony. Graduates will receive name cards that will be used for use by the name caller on stage during the ceremony.
The Processional
Graduates will remain standing for the processional, invocation, and the National Anthem. Men remove their caps during the invocation and anthem and then replace them. Women leave their caps on throughout the ceremony. Bachelor’s degree candidates wear their tassels on the right side of the graduation cap. Graduates are seated as a group when the anthem is completed.
Presentation of Degrees
Graduates rise in a group to be presented for their degrees. The faculty marshals direct the movement to the platform. When graduates advance toward the stage, the name caller will read names. Graduates walk across the platform to receive their diplomas from the President of the College.
The Recessional
Graduates rise for the Florida Southern Alma Mater. Women leave their caps on, but men remove theirs for the alma mater and benediction. At the conclusion of the ceremony, faculty marshals direct each to join the recessional. Platform occupants recess first followed by the faculty members. Finally, the graduates exit, beginning with the front rows. Graduates are asked to meet their family/guests at a pre-determined location.
Undergraduate Academic Honors
Academic honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude) noted in the Commencement Program are based on final cumulative grade point averages and are explained in the current academic catalog. To be eligible for these honors within the graduating class, students must have earned 62 or more hours at Florida Southern College. CLEP, AP, transfer, transient, and other non-Florida Southern credit do not meet this requirement.
Honor Cords, Stoles and Mortar Board Decorations
Honor cords representing specific honor societies are given to graduates by a representative of that organization. Their cost is not included in the graduation fee. Each organization is responsible for ordering the cords through the FSC Bookstore. Only authorized and registered honor societies may provide honor cords. Graduates may wear unlimited academic cords or medallions and one additional non-academic cord. In addition, the college reserves the right to prohibit decorations on mortar boards that it deems overly elaborate or inappropriate.
Dress Code for Graduates
Caps and gowns must be worn to participate in commencement.
Photography at Commencement
Professional photographers from GradImages will record each graduate receiving his or her degree. Proofs are provided to the graduate electronically shortly after commencement, and several online opportunities are provided for purchase. For more information, call 800.261.2576 or email During the ceremony, guests are permitted to take photographs from their seats. They are not permitted access to the stage at any time and must keep the aisles open for graduates walking to and from the platform.
Ticket Pick-Up
Tickets are distributed through the Office of the Registrar. You may pick up your six (6) tickets at the Registrar's Office. Box office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The Registrar's Office is located on the second floor of the the Thad Buckner Building.
You must present a valid form of identification and sign for your tickets. In order to ensure that your tickets do not end up going to someone else, there will be no exceptions to this requirement for identification.
We are unable to reprint any tickets. Be sure to keep track of your tickets. If your tickets are lost, we will not be able to replace them.
Pick-Up Dates
Tickets may be picked up April 14th through May 2nd.
The tickets do not have specific assigned seats.
Children under 2 years old do not require a ticket to attend the commencement.
Graduates do not require a ticket.
Handicapped Seating
There will be specially designated handicapped seating in the RP Funding Center.
Parking for commencement at RP Funding Center is free. Inform the Parking Attendants that you are attending the FSC Commencement ceremony. Handicap parking is available.
After Graduation
Career Services
Career Services helps students and alumni gain the experiences to prepare for their post-graduation goals such as employment and graduate school. Services include resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn reviews; internship and experiential learning options; graduate/professional school preparation; mock interviews; job search assistance; and more!
Email Address
Graduates with a college e-mail address ending in will be able to keep this FSC e-mail account for life as long as they continue to use the account. Other campus e-mail addresses are discontinued approximately one month after graduation.
Campus Mailbox
All students with a campus mailbox should turn in their mailbox keys to the Campus Post Office before graduation. When turning in the key, the graduate will complete a form providing a forwarding address.
Alumni Services for Graduates
To learn about the numerous services and benefits available to alumni, please visit the alumni page on our website.